Published on: 24th November 2022   |   Ellie Hall

Here at Universal Networks, ISO 9001 underpins everything we do, from enquiry through to delivery. We are therefore delighted to announce that we have once again been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certified status, an internationally recognised standard that ensures our products and services meet the needs of our clients, through an effective quality management system.

It was back in 2007 that we attained our first ISO 9001 certification and we are proud to now be celebrating 15 years of certification!

Managing Director of Universal Networks, Eddie Hing comments “Renewing our ISO 9001 status is a great achievement and demonstrates our on-going commitment to continuously monitor, manage and improve the quality of the products and services we offer.

Delivering high standards of service to our customers is enormously important to us and this certification highlights our intentions to provide customers with unrivaled, excellent service. I’m really proud of the team for the huge amount of effort they put in to ensuring we achieved this fantastic milestone.”

Our ISO 9001 certification is integral to the way we conduct our business and provides our customers with the confidence that we operate to the highest of standards. The certification is awarded following a rigorous, in-depth audit of our processes and quality management systems by an independent auditor. Gaining certified status not only demonstrates that we have consistent, defined processes in place but also guides our future development and growth, ensuring we always keep the satisfaction of our customers as a top priority.

What is ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001 is an international standard used by over 1 million businesses worldwide to prove that they are consistently able to provide products and services that meet the needs of their customers. The standard sets out requirements for a quality management system and helps businesses to streamline their processes, become more efficient and improve the quality of the products and services they offer.

This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. Using ISO 9001 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good-quality products and services. With quality management systems in place, organisations can consistently meet their customers’ expectations thereby improving customer satisfaction.

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