Whether it is technical assistance with setting up the system we have supplied, or servicing your cables, we can help.
In our experience, copper cables need little servicing but fibre optic cables, especially those used outdoors, do. Due to the very small surface area of an optical end face, performance can be affected by a number of factors.
Sometimes it’s simply dirt on the connectors, which if not properly removed can inhibit some of the signal and worse can scratch the end-face of the connector and whatever is it mated to. Often there is enough headroom in fibre systems to allow for some loss, but eventually it’s too much and the link starts to fail to perform properly. This aside, accidents happen, connectors and even fibres can be broken under extreme stress.

No matter what the eventuality, we can help. Where repair work is required, we perform an assessment then provide a fault report with recommendations and costs.
Types and brands covered are LC/ST/FC/SC, Neutrik opticalCON, LC-MAX, IP-PRO, Expanded Beam, MTP.
To find out more about our Servicing & Repairs, please click the link below.